The following photos are all from the time I spent in Shandia, a small town in the Ecuadorian Amazon. There is so much to say but I'll try to be as to the point as possible.
What better place to start than the house I lived in?
This house was originally built for a Peace Corps volunteer who was supposed to be in Shandia for two years. I say supposed to because she left after about six months. Some time later people in Shandia were still talking about her. The plus side was that there was now a house I could stay in.
The house was made completely of wood with wire meshing on all the windows. The roof was very high and made of a large leaf from a local plant(para toquilia). Approximately 20,000 leaves were used in the construction of the roof.
On the front of the house on the right you can see some political propaganda from the PSP (Partido Social Patriotica). In front of the house are the compost I built and the little garden I started with help from the kids. On the far left you can see the black plastic that formed the wall of my bathroom.