Thursday, November 30, 2006

Half Marathon Results

So right before heading off to my placement visit, me and two other girls from the group decided we'd do a half marathon!(21 km) After training for more than a month we finally did it on the 19th of November. All in all it was a good race and I achieved my goal of finishing under 2 hours, 1:56:11 exactly. That put me at 271 out of 437 for men 19-29, 1267 out 2081 of all men, and 1348 out of 2468 total competitors. For me this race wasn't about the time or place I finished, but just proving I could actually do it. (Next time I'll really go for it!) For the race we covered ourselves in Canadian flags, and got cheered a lot for it by people on the sidelines (I was happy they recognized what country we were from) There are some great pictures from the event, which I PROMISE, will be up soon.

The official results (and the proof that I'm not just a good story teller) are at this site: (Sorry I can't link directly, you'll have to search directly for my name under RESULTADOS(on the left hand side)-2a. Media Maratón Quito Mitad del Mundo)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Half Marathon? Not bad Matthew, but when I started doing the half marathons, my first time was 1:53, so I guess you still got a ways to go, and by the way, still waiting for some photos on your blog...cheers. Calvin